Perseverance: One of my most important life lessons

Life challenges have taught me how to perservere. Perseverance is taking steady action despite difficulty. I thank my parents, husband and daughter for helping teach me this life lesson. When things were difficult for me as a young girl my parents didn't swoop in like a superhero to rescue me. Instead they encouraged me, prayed for me, loved me and supported me. When I had difficulty conceiving and I wanted to give up. My husband encouraged me to remember my life purpose. Everyday my daughter teaches me that motherhood is not a sprint but a journey that I must fulfill.

Perseverance is a lost art. Many in today's society are fragile and lack the gumption to endure. Here are three tips to help you persevere through difficult times.
1.     Remember that "This to Shall Pass".

A former supervisor used to say this to me frequently. It was his way to encourage me to not give up or quit. Remember difficult times are just a phase which will eventually disappear. Sometimes the difficulty lasts much longer than we would like or choose. Every person on this earth deals with their share of difficulties. Therefore, you can anticipated experiencing difficulties. But the more we experience, the more we grow.

Hold yourself together and endure during tough times. We cannot choose or control our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude towards our circumstances. Realize that you have come a long way. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

2. Remember your purpose.

All of us have an individual purpose to pursue. If you don't have a purpose, I encourage you to invest in a larger and deeper life goal. A sense of purpose gives us a clear reason to persevere. When faced with difficulty, remembering our purpose will motivate us to endure. Without a clear purpose, our desire to endure will sag when faced with challenges. We will lose sight of why it is important to endure and quitting becomes an easy option. Remembering our goals, makes motivating ourselves so much easier and will help us reach our mission much faster and easier than without a clear purpose.

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

Positivity and motivation is contagious. Many of our worries come from self doubt. Self- doubt is exacerbated when we deal with it alone. Keep in touch with and confide in people who care for you and who want to see you succeed. Have open conversations about difficulties and be open to  hear advice and thoughts. Socialize with optimistic people. The moment you interact with individuals who are cheerful and upbeat, you will catch the vibe too.

Yes, life can be hard BUT persevere. You'll surprise yourself with your inner strength and ability. Also, you'll likely motivate someone else to endure. Remember motivation is contagious. 

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