It's all in your perspective

We all wear different glasses when looking at the world and when dealing with certain life events. Often our glasses are shaded by the beliefs we hold of ourselves and others, by our experiences and by our history.

Eye witness identification requires that a witness to a crime correctly perceive objects and events. It is quite possible to have three people witness one crime and the testimony be three different perspectives or points of view.

Despite our perspective being influenced by our history, beliefs and experiences, we still have the ability to choose our perspective. You have the ability to either see the glass half full (a positive perspective) or half empty (a negative perspective).

Here are just a few tips to help develop a positive perspective:
  1. Think, See and Do positives.

In a world that inundates us with negativity it can be difficult to think positive. However, purposely see the light in every circumstance and think positive no matter what your situation. Darkness may seem ever present, but light is always at the end of every dark tunnel.

Also, make it a goal to see positive. In everything, there is something good, something we can learn. Let the beauty of things be what motivates you and arrests your attention. Remember to look for, find and see the light every time it looks like there is only darkness.

Finally, put your thoughts to the test and try doing as you think. Actions speak louder than words and thoughts. So let your actions guide you into an overall better way of being.
  1. Be challenged by life's lessons.

Overcoming challenges reinforces confidence and inner strength. See life’s lessons as a challenge that you have to conquer. Learn from life events including mistakes. They will only increase your wisdom. Open up and try to understand things rather than becoming a victim. We all experience suffering, heartbreak and mishaps. The challenge is to critically learn from these experiences and to keep on moving.
  1. Do not be fearful of failure and rejection.

Rejection and failure are common experiences. However, we do not have to live in constant worry that we will eventually face rejection and failure. They are not only possible but likely to occur but they do not define you. What will really stand out and stand the test of time is how you deal with rejection and failure and what steps you take to keep on being positive.

Remember it's all in perspective.  We all don't have the same perspective but let's work on all having a positive perspective.

Has anything helped YOU develop a positive perspective? Please share your personal tips and tricks in the comments section below.

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