Dream Big by Sharele Hatfield

Dream Big

You have probably heard the expression “dream big” at times. But what exactly does it mean to dream big? To me, it means dreaming of the best, happiest life that you can possibly imagine, and thinking of the steps that are needed to make that happen. Read on for some tips about dreaming big, and how to make your dreams come true.
Decide What You Want
 First, decide what you are dreaming big about. Do you want another job? Do you want to own your own home? How about a vacation home? Do you want to pay cash for a new car? Your dreams are your own, but first you need to identify exactly what you want. What is your big dream? What is the happiest life that you can imagine? Start with that, and write it down. 
Make a Plan
A dream without a plan is just a wish. In order to make your big dream come true, you need to have a set plan in order to make it happen. Work backwards. Start by writing down your big dream. Then write down what would happen immediately prior to achieving that dream. Work your way backwards, writing down the steps that you will need to take in order to make this dream happen, until you get to the present day. Then, take a look at your plan, and decide on your action items. Do you need to take a class? Do you need to write out a budget? Do you need to open a savings account in which to deposit a set portion of your paycheck? Decide on at least three action items that you can take immediately in order to start making your dream happen.
Have Accountability 
 One reason why people don't achieve their goals and dreams is because they lack accountability. Find someone to give you accountability. This means someone who will check in with you periodically to make sure that you are doing what you are supposed to do in order to achieve your goal. This needs to be someone who will be honest with you, and give you some tough love if necessary. Having someone to be accountable to will keep you on the path to achieving your dream.

 Take these steps in order to imagine and achieve the biggest dreams that you have! 

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Thеrе’ѕ Nо Success Withоut Fаilurе by Sharele Hatfield

Thе key tо ѕuссеѕѕ is еmbrасing failure. Fаilurе is thе gateway to perseverence that bringѕ about grаnd ѕuссеѕѕ аnd triumрh. Without fаilurе, you won't have thе орроrtunitу to learn critical lifе lеѕѕоnѕ ѕuсh аѕ perseverence and implied information.  

Implied information iѕ subtle, quiet and often invisible. It'ѕ thе kind of understanding that is diffiсult tо transfer frоm оnе реrѕоn to аnоthеr. It'ѕ аn аbilitу you асԛuirе thrоugh triаl and error.

An еxаmрlе оf implied information is riding a bike. Whilе уоu саn ѕhаrе tiрѕ on gооd bikе riding, уоu саn't tеасh ѕоmеоnе to stay uр оn thе bike. They muѕt lеаrn оn their оwn through triаl and еrrоr.
A lot of people think they nееd tо knоw еvеrуthing bеfоrе thеу try ѕоmеthing nеw. Thеу dоn't realize thаt great ѕuссеѕѕ can соmе after fаilurе. Thеу don't understand that ѕuссеѕѕ can only соmе thrоugh rеаl еxреriеnсе. 

Think аbоut your firѕt еxреriеnсе of riding a bikе. Sее what I mеаn? Fаilurе is nоthing mоrе than an opportunity tо gаin implied information and rеаl еxреriеnсе.

Thе secrets to success are preparation, hard wоrk, and lеаrning frоm fаilurе.

Believe in уоur роtеntiаl! Trу tо do thingѕ in a diffеrеnt way. Dоn't fеаr making miѕtаkеѕ, but lеаrn frоm thеm and kеер gоing bесаuѕе success аnd fаilurе аrе twо ѕidеѕ оf a coin. Always rеmеmbеr, every success story iѕ аlѕо a story of grеаt failure.

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At Home Exercise Ideas by Sharele Hatfield

At Home Exercise Ideas

At this time, almost all gyms and health clubs around the United States and Canada are closed. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t still exercise! Regular exercise is great for both your physical and mental health, so let’s take a look at how we can continue to exercise at home. 

Get Outside

If the weather in your area permits it, getting outside can be one of the best ways to exercise without any gym equipment! Going for a run, walking your dog, or gardening are all activities back at you moving, and burn lots of calories! Additionally, getting outside helps to clear your head, gets you some Vitamin D, and lets you enjoy nature. Take some time to go outside, get some exercise, and see what is blooming in your part of the world! 

Your Personal Trainer

If you enjoy working out at home instead, take advantage of a free streaming service such as YouTube to find great workouts. You can search for any type of workout that you would like to do, and specify if the workouts should require equipment such as dumbbells. Purchasing an inexpensive set of 5 to 10 lb dumbbells and some elastic resistance bands can really ramp up your workout! So move your couch aside, grab some water, and find a workout on YouTube or another free streaming service that you enjoy! Even better, find a trainer's YouTube channel and subscribe to it. That way, you don't have to search all the time for a trainer that you know you like.

Use What You Have 

If you take a look on a website like Pinterest, you will find thousands of ideas for using what you have around the house to complete your workouts. One example of using your furniture to complete a workout is doing tricep dips using a dining room chair. Another great way to get a workout in when you don't have any equipment is to look up body weight workouts. These types of exercises, such as push-ups, utilize your own body weight to work different muscle groups.

Involve Your Family

Working out at home can sometimes get lonely. If you have family living with you, get them on board with your workouts! If you have babies or toddlers, there are videos that show you how to lift your children in order to work your different muscle groups. For preschoolers and up, look up kids aerobic or yoga videos, and do those with your children! If you have a spouse or another adult living with you, invite them to join your workout. Consider letting them pick what the workout is every other time, so that they will continue to work out with you. 

It can be hard to find the motivation to workout at home, so schedule it into your day. You will feel much better, mentally and physically, if you get movement into your day, every day!

What Is Self-Motivation? by Sharele Hatfield

We hear the term “self-motivation” quite frequently, and most of us know that it’s a good thing to have. But how does self-motivation work? And how does one motivate oneself? Let’s take a look at what motivation is, and how it works. 

Motivation is defined as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”. For example, someone’s motivation to exercise might be to lose weight. Someone’s motivation to take their medication might be to stay healthy. Self-motivation is why you behave the way you behave, with no outside factors. You aren’t acting a certain way because other people are pressuring you. 
Factors of Self-Motivation
According to Emotional Intelligence expert Daniel Goleman, the four factors of self-motivation are:
  • Personal drive to achieve
  • Commitment
  • Initiative
  • Optimism 
Your personal drive to achieve is your desire to meet or exceed certain standards. Your commitment is how dedicated you are to personal goals. Your initiative is your willingness to take advantage of opportunities, or to seek out opportunities. And your optimism is your positive attitude. 
Your attitude goes a long way into your level of self-motivation. Having a sense of optimism- a good attitude even when things are going wrong- can lead to increased self-motivation. A big part of motivating yourself is learning to pick yourself up and dust yourself off when things don’t go your way. Having a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset can help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated. 

Do an evaluation of your personal drive to achieve, your commitment to your goals, your initiative, and your optimism and attitude, and see how self-motivated you are to achieve your goals. If you are lacking in self-motivation, consider your mindset, and form a plan of how to improve yourself! 

Tips for Staying Focused in Difficult Times by Sharele Hatfield

Having a crisis- a global one like COVID-19 or a more personal one- can send us into a state of unfocus. Many people report a “brain fog” for months following a crisis. For most of us, life still needs to happen in the midst of or following a crisis. So how do we maintain our focus and continue to take care of ourselves and our families even when we feel like we can’t think about anything else? 
When a national or global crisis is happening, there is an information overload coming from all directions. 24-hour news channels, the newspaper, and social media keep us informed as to what is going on, but nobody can digest all of the news that is coming at them continually. To lower anxiety and retain your focus, consider unplugging or limiting the amount of media you are taking in. Get off social media for a few days, or resolve to only watch the news for ½ hour per day. Taking a step back from the barrage of information coming your way will go a long way to help restore your focus. 
Focus on What You Can Do 
Worrying about what you can’t control sucks up your mental capacity and leaves you little ability to do anything other than worry. Instead, think about what you can do and can control. Make a list if necessary. Can you send a care package to a friend who is sick? Can you make dinner for a family down the street who all has an illness? Can you go and sit with a friend in the hospital? Serving others always makes us feel better, grounds us, and helps us regain our focus. 
Be Still 
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God”. What does it mean to be still? It means taking some time away from the news, the worry, and the stress to sit with the Lord in prayer or reading Scripture. Find some Scripture verses about comfort and anxiety and reflect on them. You will find that even after just a few minutes spent in prayer and with the Bible, your anxiety will be less and you will be able to focus better. 

Unplug, focus on actionable steps to help the situation, and take some time to be still to regain your focus during difficult times! 

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Perseverance is Key! by Sharele Hatfield

We hear a lot about perseverance when someone has set a goal. But how does someone persevere? It's not just something magical that happens. You need a plan, accountability and a reward for yourself when you reach your goal. Let's take a look at how to plan to persevere.
Set a Goal
In order to reach a goal, you first have to set a goal. Setting a goal is actually a science. You want your goal to be SMART. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Instead of saying something like “I want to lose weight”, you would state “I want to lose 20 pounds by losing 2 poundss per week for 10 weeks, beginning on April 1st, 2020, and ending on June 10th, 2020.  I will achieve this by using a food tracker to keep track of my food intake, drinking eight glasses of water per day, and exercising for 30 minutes per day, four days per week.”

This goal is specific because it gives a set amount of weight that you want to lose, and the steps that you will take to lose it. It is measurable because weight loss is able to be measured on a scale. It is achievable because a 2 pound per week weight loss is what doctors recommend for someone following a diet. It is realistic, because you are not wanting to lose 20 lb in 2 weeks. You are giving yourself enough time and enough realistic tools in order to accomplish it. Finally, it is time bound because there are specific dates within your goal. 
Have Accountability 
Now that you have set your goal, your next step to persevering is to have an accountability partner. Your accountability partner is someone to help you persevere to meet your goal. This can work anyway that you and your accountability partner want it to, but the most common way is to have your partner check in with you once or twice a day to make sure that you are following the steps to meet your goal. Most people cannot persevere all on their own. It takes having a partner or friend encouraging them in order for them to stay on track.
Work It
 Now that you have your steps to persevere, and your accountability partner, you need to put in the work to reach your goal. One thing that can help you persevere is to break your goal down into smaller, baby steps. This will keep your motivation up because it will not seem so overwhelming. Plan out what you intend to do to meet your goal each day, persevere through those tasks, and check in with your accountability partner.
Celebrate Your Achievement 
 Meeting your goal is quite an accomplishment, and if you decide on a reward for yourself at each stage of your goal setting, it can help you to persevere through hard times. Let's take the weight loss goal above. A reward or celebration for losing 5lbs could be going to get your nails done. A reward or celebration for losing 15 pounds could be a new pair of shoes. Decide on small rewards to give yourself along the way to keep your perseverance up!

 Perseverance is key to meeting our goals, but we all need a little help along the way. Having a clear plan, choosing an accountability partner, breaking our goal down into smaller steps, and rewarding ourselves along the way will help us maintain a persevering spirit!

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Growing in the Time of Crisis by Sharele Hatfield

purpose in everything

Growing in the Time of Crisis

When we think of a crisis situation, we do not often think of it as an opportunity for growth. We are generally focused on getting through the crisis, comforting those around us, and finding our new normal. However, growth is possible during a time of crisis. Let's take a look at some opportunities for growth when you are faced with a crisis situation. 
Challenge Your Mindset
Challenging your mindset is one of the most difficult things that we as humans can do. You probably have spent your entire life thinking a certain way about different topics and situations. Most of us have the mindset that a crisis is a negative thing. Try to challenge your mindset, and see the good that can come out of a crisis situation. Our world is currently experiencing a crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most people would think that this is an entirely bad situation. However, if you watch the news or look at social media, you see stories about the good in humanity coming out during this terrible situation. As Mr. Rogers said “look for the helpers.” Look for the people who are doing good at this time of crisis, and let their actions inspire you to change your mindset.
Learn Something New 
 A time of crisis can be an opportunity to learn something new. This new skill or talent that you learn could someday help someone else. We see stories about people taking this time to sew masks for medical personnel. People have learned to sew in order to help doctors and nurses who do not have enough protective equipment. Something else that you could learn that could potentially save a life is CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver. There are online classes that you can take to learn these skills that may one day help someone else. A time of crisis is a great time to reassess your skills and your knowledge, and to consider learning something new that could do some good for others down the road.
Refine Your Relationships 
 During a crisis, people often evaluate their relationships with others. This could be because they see how important their relationships are, and realize that life is short. Take this time to work on the relationships in your life. Spend some quality time, either in person or over the phone, with someone who you love. Take the time to nurture those relationships. On the flip side, evaluate if there are people in your life who are leading you down a negative path. Consider if you still want them in your life, and if not, take steps to distance yourself. This is the perfect time for doing so.

 During this time of crisis, evaluate your mindset, learn a new skill that could help humanity either now or at a later date, take the time to work on the good relationships in your life, and consider what to do about the negative relationships in your life. We can use this time as a time of growth, and learn things about ourselves that we did not previously know. 

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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone by Sharele Hatfield

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Think about your life right now. Is it everything you’ve dreamed of? Are you in a good place?...