It's Now or Never by Sharele Hatfield

It’s Now or Never 

As we navigate these uncertain times, it seems like the world has come to a standstill. Across the country, schools are shut down, travel is restricted, and businesses are closed indefinitely. One of the keys to surviving all of this is to take a look at the opportunities that lie in our daily routines being so disrupted. I encourage you to take this time to think about what you really want out of life. Is it another job? Is it a change in a relationship? Is it wanting to prioritize a part of your life that has been lacking? Whatever it is, this is the perfect time to make that change. 

Identify What You Want Most

During these unusual circumstances, this can be the perfect time to focus on what you really want out of life. Perhaps you just want life to go back to normal. But I'd be willing to bet, for most of us, there is some aspect of your life that you want to change. Take this time to identify what you want that change to be. Then, make a plan. Write it down, and talk it over with someone you trust. What do you want to change? What are the concrete steps that are needed in order for that change to happen? Do you need someone to help you make this change? If so, reach out to them. Take this time to strategize about how your new normal is going to look.

Take Action

In order to change, we have to be willing to work for it. What steps does your change require? Do you need to take a class? Do you need to work on your resume and cover letters? Do you need to spend more time with someone? Look around for opportunities to complete the steps in your plan. Right now, a lot of online class platforms are offering free trials. Sign up for one, and learn something new. In this time of social distancing, download something like FaceTime or Zoom onto your phone and reconnect with someone who you have been missing. Use your time wisely, work hard, and follow the steps in your plan in order to make a change in your life.

Be Accountable

You may have heard the expression that a dream without a plan is just a wish. I would take it a step further, and say a plan without accountability is just a wish. Have someone who you are accountable to. Tell them about the change that you want to make in your life right now. Tell them about your plan. Then, have them commit to checking in with you every so often to make sure that you are hitting all your steps and working hard. If you are not accountable to anyone, you may never accomplish your goals.

Stop waiting for the perfect time to make a change in your life. That time is now. Take this time to figure out what you want, and make the steps to make that happen. Be accountable to someone. As we see all the tragedy in the world today, we know that life is precious. Adopt the mindset of “it's now or never”, and get going on reaching your goals! 

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