
Adversity? An adverse or unfavorable fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity or distress.

Have you experienced adversity? Sure you have. I’ll admit that I’ve overcome and am currently overcoming adversity. The nature of being a breathing human is that comfort will take a back seat to distress, periods of good health will come to an end, and misfortune will greet you.

The BIG question is, how do you respond to adversity? True character will undoubtedly make an appearance during adversity. Adversity is the mirror that reveals your true character and it reveals what is really at the center of your heart. Anybody can wear a mask to hide the true nature of what is on the inside. This makes it difficult to know, rely on, or trust someone. But this is where pressure, stress, life’s storms, and adversity come into play and show their value. What’s exposed either makes us interesting and more attractive or reveals some inner ugliness!

If you want to experience a life of victory, you must develop endurance to overcome adversity. BUT most importantly you must develop a strong healthy character so that when you face adversity there is no inner ugliness to be revealed. You can be proud of your true character and thus feel free to come from behind the mask that we’ve all come accustomed to wearing.

Here are 4 tips to improve character:

  1. Focus on the positives in life. All too often, we dwell on the bad things in life. The troubles, difficulties and challenges. Don’t ignore them, they have to be dealt with, but do not focus on them either. Develop a habit of expressing gratitude. Expressing gratitude leads to more optimism and ultimately can help us keep adversity in perspective.
  1. Accept who you are. Appreciate your own values and that which you have. Imagining that the grass is greener somewhere else is a recipe for lifelong unhappiness. Remember that you can only assume how others live. Often our assumptions are miles away from the truth. Therefore, it is better to focus on how you live and who you are.
  1. Have patience. Character improvement takes time, dedication and hard work. You must have patience to allow yourself time to improve. An accountability partner can help. Having someone to talk to and help you look at your situation honestly is invaluable. Your partner must be someone you trust and from who you are willing to take criticism. Your partner can encourage you, but most importantly they will likely see a change before you do.
  1. Seek the truth. Do not lie to yourself. Delusion will not help you improve. Having a good friend or mentor will help. An individual that you trust and respect to tell you the truth about ugliness in your character.

Your adversity is either in the near future, your currently facing it or recently overcome it. We all experience adversity but what will be revealed during those times of adversity? 

What tips do you have to build character? Leave your tips below. I'd love to continue this conversation with you.

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